Analysis about Stack Overflow survey

Douglas Trajano
4 min readJul 18, 2019


Hi! This is my first post and it’s part of my Data Scientist nanodegree from Udacity! \o/

The objective is choose a dataset and explore insights from that.

I choosed a dataset from Stack Overflow’s survey because I understand that it’s has rich information. The dataset can be found on kaggle.

Dataset information

Number of variables: 154
- Numeric: 7
- Categorical: 147
Number of observations: 51392Total Missing (%): 45.3%

Business understanding

Stack Overflow it’s a developer forum, it’s natural that the most of users are developers, but we can see a part of users that are students.

Distribuição de profissionais ou não na pesquisa do Stack Overflow
Users distribution

The main idea that I’ll works it’s compare professional developers with students.


Have a degree it’s important to be a developer?

82,5% of professional developers aren’t in a university currently.

University — Professional developer
University distribution in professional developers

It’s make sense when we take a look on them education status, 75% of these developers has a degree.

Educação formal para desenvolvedores profissionais
Education status in professional developers

Talking about students, 63% of these students are in a university, full-time or part-time.

Education status in students

We can understand that most of developers finished their degrees and the most of students are in enrolled in a degree currently.

Work status

We will compare the work status between professional developers and students.

Employment status in developers

97,74% of developers has a work relationship currently.

Employment status in students

When we analysed the students, we have different results. 39,78% are employed. 28,1% aren’t in employed and aren’t searching for.

We have a significant different between users that prefer not to say in students (8,56%) and developers (0,53%).

Salary and expected salary

Now we will understand more about the developers salaries and the expected salaries of students.

Salário entre desenvolvedores profissionais (histograma)

The most of developers has a salary between USD 25k and USD 65k, but exists some variables that can influence in the salary that a developer receive, as example, the years of experience. See below.

Developers salaries based on years of experience

The more experience a developer has, more high is the salary that he receive.

Now, take a look on students, we will analyse their expected salaries.

Expectativa de salário dos estudantes (histograma)

It seems that we have some misunderstanding of the question that was asked, since most of the users put an annual remuneration of USD 5k, if we ignore this, the students are expecting salaries between USD 25k and USD 55k. According to what is offered by the market.


A quickly analyse in this dataset can give us the understanding about students and developers of stack overflow.

As next step of this analyse I suggest the variations of results between more variables, as example, if we check the mean salary of developers based on countries we can see a big diference.

The developers from USA has a salary about USD 100k while Indian developers has salaries of USD 10k.

Mean salary

Well, if you’re a student and want to become a developer, it’s better if you are living on USA or Australia. \o/

The source code is available on my GitHube here.



Douglas Trajano
Douglas Trajano

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